The Old Gym | Rye Creative Centre | New Rd | Rye TN31 7LS
Preview 6-8pm Fri 3 May | all welcome
Artist talks 3-5pm Sat 4 May & Sat 18 May
Exhibition 3-18 May 2024
Open Thursday through Sunday 10am-5pm
An extensive show of contemporary paintings in conjunction with Contemporary British Painting; including exceptional artists from Britain and Ireland
The exhibition is selected and curated by Paula McArthur; assisted by a curatorial support team of Geraldine Swayne, Joe Packer snd Susan Absolon
The exhibition title takes inspiration from the exhibition space at Rye Creative Centre that was once the school hall at the Freda Gardham School. Members of Contemporary British Painting and invited artists exhibit their work and discuss ideas and processes and the various ways they assemble their work.
Assembly is a compelling & timely exhibition curated to reflect a new geography of contemporary art practice as artists shift their focus away from the capital. Members of the artist-led group Contemporary British Painting come together from across the UK & Ireland with invited artists from Rye & the surrounding counties. Rye is uniquely situated at the mid-point of the creative artery that extends along the South Coast from Brighton to Margate linking important public art institutions, independent, & artist-led venues. Assembly creates a platform for engagement & dialogue with an exciting range of artists whose energy, & significant & diverse histories of making, animate this exhibition.
Susan Absolon, David Ainley, Hermione Allsopp, Iain Andrews, Amanda Ansell, Tom Banks, Karl Bielik, Claudia Böse, Day Bowman, Marius von Brasch, Julian Brown, Lesley Bunch, Matthew Burrows, Ruth Calland, Simon Carter, Jules Clarke, Susan Collis, Deb Covell, Lucy Cox, Gordon Dalton, Pen Dalton, Angelina Davis, Jeff Dellow, Lisa Denyer, Natalie Dowse, Rowena Easton, Nathan Eastwood, Geraint Evans, Rosalind Faram, The Baron Gilvan, Luke Gottelier, Susan Gunn, Susie Hamilton, Alex Hanna, Marcus Harvey, Jeb Haward, Vincent Hawkins, Roland Hicks, Suzanne Holtom, Marguerite Horner, Dan Howard-Birt, Barbara Howey, Phil Illingworth, Linda Ingham, Rich Jellyman, Patrick Jones, Peter Jones, Ansel Krut, Bryan Lavelle, Andrew Litten, David Lock, Juliette Losq, Paula MacArthur, David Manley, Enzo Marra, Gavin Maughfling, Donna Mclean, Monica Metsers, Nicholas Middleton, Ruth Murray, Paul Newman, Sikelela Owen, Nicholas Pace, Kim L Pace, Joe Packer, Eugene Palmer, Stephen Palmer, Aimée Parrott, Mandy Payne, Barbara Peirson, Ruth Philo, Alison Pilkington, Danny Pockets, Narbi Price, Freya Purdue, Alessandro Raho, Richard Mark Rawlins Tobit Roche, Greg Rook, Katherine Russell, Boo Saville, Maggie Scott, Claire Shoosmith, Stephen Snoddy, David Sullivan, Geraldine Swayne, Harvey Taylor, Sally Taylor, Molly Thomson, Ehryn Torrell, Casper White, Joanna Whittle, Sean Williams, Sharon Wylde, Caroline Yates.